The Art of Nature by Natura-Tec
As part of the APG Group which has a long history and expertise in the manufacture of natural raw materials, Natura-Tec, the leader of the personal Care division, has evolved through the years expanding its activities from the production of “green” vegetable specialties to “blue” microalgae actives obtained thanks to renewable, ethical and ecological manufacturing processes.
Natura-Tec draws inspiration from its unique location immersed in the beauty of nature and rich in the history of cultivation and use of plants for cosmetic purposes: The French Riviera.
Within this context, the significant range of materials proposed by Natura-Tec offers a wide choice of solutions to modern cosmetologists in search of quality, safety, innovation and natural origins committing to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Natura-Tec is a significant player on the cosmetic market offering its plant alternatives to synthetic silicones, petrolatums and animal derived lanolin satisfying recent trends in clean beauty, veganism and minimalist cosmetics. Natura-Tec further supports its portfolio of products and its customers thanks to its quality assurance processes and industry certifications as well as its awareness of and compliance with ethical and social standards.